Dr. Macabre

1,322Creations 962,276Downloads

Dr. Macabre's Blog

Sorry I haven't put anything new up recently......

Yeah I know it has been awhile since I had a new item up for download, and I apologize for that. I have been working on a new guitar that is driving me crazy, so I am taking a break from that to make some new things to put up.

I won't give up on the guitar, trust me. I just know that sometimes it is better to walk away then to keep hitting your head into a brick wall.

So look for some new items from me soon, including yes you guest it more tee shirts!!!!!!!

Skull Guitar

Coming on 6-25, I will have up my first new instrument mesh. I call it the Skull Guitar.

Trust me it wasn't as easy as I thought! But thankfully there are a lot of people out there who know what they are doing as don't mind helping.

But before I get into that, there is something about the guitar I want to make sure you all know. You need to down a hack from MTS2 and put it in your download folder under The Sims2 directory to make it work. You can find the hack here:

Custom Instrument Hack V 4.0

Now on to the thanks you's. First off I want to thank Paleoanth. When I told her about my idea, I asked since she did a skeleton if she had a skull mesh. She sent it to me right away. I owe you big time!

I also want to thank Two folks over at MTS2. Echo and atavera. Echo helped me figure out what to do to bring the guitar to life, and atavera made the Hack and a tutorial on how to do cutom instruments.
Sure made my life easy!

And finally I want to thank Cyclone Sue, AnoeskaB and Birgit43. For willing to answer my PMs and try to help out the best they could. You all ROCK!!!!

I hope you all enjoy my guitar. I know I think it's cool!

The Results are in...

Thats right I ran my last poll longer than I expected, but the results are in and the winner by a wide margin is the background color GRAY!

Here are the results:

Brown 1.37% (1)

Gray 52.05% (38)

Red 24.66% (18)

Default 1.37% (1)

Blue 12.33% (9)

Orange 9.59% (7)

You can see for yourself the lead gray had. I have to admit I am happy that people that voted in my poll seem to have my tastes as well.

Don't forget to take my latest poll. It will help me make the rooms all of you want the most.

Requests are turned off right now

Yes that right, I am taking no more requests for the time being. I have a few I haven't done yet, that I will do as soon as I can, but no more for now.

The reason being is that I am trying to learn meshing. And I want to take the time to learn it right so that I can bring all of you quality twisted items. I have many plans, the problem is seeing if I can pull them off.

So for the time being until Ii say otherwise, requests are off. Any request I get from this date on, will be deleted until I am ready again.

So I hope all of you like the new creations I will be bringing in the near future. I know I will have fun making them.

I don't get it!!!!

I have mentioned this topic before in my blog, (see third entry) and it seems that if you folks looked at it you don't care. I have noticed a very bad trend when it comes to TSR in general. Less than 10% thank you on an item. And to be honest I really don't understand what the problem might be. Ok I know of a couple, one is that some folks here are upset that TSR got rid of the number rating system, which I was never a big fan of. The other reason I have heard is that folks think if they download your creations there is no need for anymore. I have also hear that some people believe the new system is just too “hard” to figure out. But to be honest I believe it's more than that. I might be wrong, and I hope some folks let me know I am, but I think folks just don't care. First off Thanking a creation couldn't be easier. It's a simple link under the download button. Second if you won't click thank you because you like number rating better, get over it. I am glad it's gone because it causes a lot of hard feeling and it allows folks to rate hate someone. Third if you believe all you have to do is download, then your just lazy. Try clicking a link and see how good it makes you feel. Now I can't make folks do this, because if I could I would. What some of you don't understand, is that it takes time to create things. Time most of us could be playing instead, and then where would TSR be? So we take the time and try to make the best things we can for all of you to enjoy, and all we ask for is a little recognition. Of course we would also like comments that let us know you really liked it, but a simple thank you goes a long way!!!!! So next time you download from any artist here at TSR, remember to at least click the thank you button. We will all appreciate it, trust me.

Finally a Guitar

I have had a lot of requests to make a guitar recolor for The Sims 2. After a lot of work and a little frustration, I finally got one.

I call it the Gibson Mother of Pearl guitar.

Let me tell all of you, if you download it and it doesn't show up, there is something you can do. First, buy the guitar.

Next either click on the design tool, or hit the “R” key.

With the design tool selected, click on only the guitar and all the options you have for color will show up. Pick the one you want like mine, and there you have it.

Now all your Sims can enjoy playing the guitar I made. I hope you all like it.

I don't know if I will do a lot more of these, they take a lot of time, but at some point I will do another

Help me decide....

My latest poll has to do with the color scheme for my mini-site. There are so many great colors to choose from, I just can't make up my mind.

So thats where all of you come in. I am letting all of you that visit my mini-site decide what color I should use.

I have already had a few votes on this, but I hope for some more. I am planning on keeping up for a least a month, so let you voice be heard and vote.

The only thing i am going to do, is when I check it the leading color will become my color for now. So when you see it change you know I have a lot of votes for that color.

I hope more of you will vote on this and help me make up my mind. This may be my mini-site, but in truth it also belongs to all of you that come to look and download my creations.

So again, LET YOU VOICE BE HEARD! Vote in my poll

The People have spoken.

About a month ago I put up a poll about SA's and FA's. I am surprised that only 59 people took the poll, but I guess this was a heated topic.

According to the folks that took my poll, The majority of you believe that the SA's we have should be. The results:

30 agree that all SA's should be. (50.85%)

25 agree that not all SA's should be. (42.37%)

Now the FA's are completely different. The results are:

26 agree all FA's should be. (44.07%)

32 agree that not all FA's should be. (54.24%)

Now I followed this poll every day because I was very curious about the outcome. It seems with the SA's it was a back and forth battle. Not always the same answer. But the Fa's, where the percentage changed, was always the same answer.

I asked this question not to start a war, but to see if the feelings I have others agreed with. I believe there are SA's and FA's that shouldn't be. I will never name names, because that wouldn't be right.

But there you have it. The people have spoken!

A new look....

You may have noticed I am no longer using The Ghost Rider for my avatar. It's not that I don't like the character, I do. It's just it was time for a change.

Now I was talking to my good friend darqstar about it. I was thinking of other movie monsters I could use.

That's when she pointed out Eddie. I must have had a stupid moment not to think about him. He has served Iron Maiden for years as the image of the group, and now he can serve me as well.

If your not a big Iron Maiden fan, the artwork comes from the Killer album. I really like the look on his face.

Also I would like to thank darqstar once again for the background I use for my banner, and the AC DC font she found for me. She is such an awesome friend.

So now It will be Eddie that is the image you think of when you think of me.

I hope you all like it!

A Week Off....

Yes Dr. Macabre is taking a week off from work to catch up on a few things, and to do some much needed relaxing.

I hope that while I relax I can catch up on some of the request I have. I want to thank all of you for your patients in waiting to see your request come to life.

Don't get me wrong I really do love doing them. It helps me come up with ideas when I run out, and it lets me make things I know some of you really would like to see.

It's just I have been so busy with work and other things that I have fallen a little bit behind. Request to be exact. But I'll get those done and keep going because I really do enjoy creating and I enjoy knowing that you people like what I do.

So keep it all coming. Comments, request and such. And I'll keep making great things for you and your Sims to enjoy.

Latest Headlines

Sorry I haven't put anything new... Skull Guitar The Results are in... Requests are turned off right now I don't get it!!!! Finally a Guitar Help me decide.... The People have spoken. A new look.... A Week Off....
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